This is an example of creation of a dynamic QSP report in R and Jupiter based on heta-compiler and mrgsolve. The content of this file and modeling platform is published in GitHub repository
The QSP model which is used as an example of QSP model was published in the article:
Brannmark C, Nyman E, Fagerholm S, Bergenholm L, Ekstrand EM, Cedersund G, Stralfors P. Insulin Signaling in Type 2 Diabetes: Experimental and modeling analyses reveal mechanisms of insulin resistance in human adipocytes. Journal of biological chemistry.. 2013 288(14):9867–9880. DOI: 10.1074/jbc.M112.432062
The SBML code was downloaded from BioModels and used as the part of the Heta-based modeling platform.
The report includes the steps to reproduce simulations from the original article demonstration facilities of the approach and necessary setups.
All necessary files can also be found in the repository.
For easier creation of the Heta-based platform install heta compiler.
In command line interface (console) run the code below to create heta platform template
heta init
The minimal content will be created.
Download the SBML model from the database and copy it into src/BIOMD0000000448.xml
Update the src/index.heta
with the following content:
// load SBML model as a content of the platform
include BIOMD0000000448_url.xml type sbml
// make the records of a model observable
block {output: true} begin
// make insulin to be an input of the model
insulin @Const = 10; // nM
// make IR (insuline resistance) specific parameters to be input of the model
IR_total @Const = 100; // reduce to 55%
GLUT4_total @Const = 100; // GLUT4 reduce to 50%
diabetes @Const = 1; // reduce to 15%
// recalculate initial values for IR and base conditions
IR .= IR_total * 99.87/100; // 99.87
IRp .= 0;
IRins .= 0;
IRip .= IR_total * 0.02/100; // 0.02
IRi .= IR_total * 0.11/100; // 0.11
GLUT4 .= GLUT4_total * 73.48/100; // 73.48
GLUT4m .= GLUT4_total * 26.52/100; // 26.52
// variable parameters
k1a @Const = 0.6331;
k1basal @Const = 0.03683;
k1c @Const = 0.8768;
k1d @Const = 31.01;
#export { format: Mrgsolve, filepath: _mrgsolve };
Before creation of notebook the Jupiter environment must be installed. For installation steps and R support see documentation part 1 and part 2.
This approach installs a separate R environment of version 0.3.6. It will not use your global installation.
Download and install the appropriate version of R-Tools. If you use R of version 3.6.1 download and install R-tool of version 3.5. See the compatibility table.
In windows search and run anaconda prompt
Use the name of the created environment and file locations below.
conda activate snowflakes
jupyter notebook --notebook-dir=Y:/PLATFORMS/insulin-signaling-t2d/r-jupiter
Select or create .ipynb
Warning message: "package 'mrgsolve' was built under R version 3.6.3" Attaching package: 'mrgsolve' The following object is masked from 'package:stats': filter Warning message: "package 'ggplot2' was built under R version 3.6.3"Warning message: "package 'dplyr' was built under R version 3.6.3" Attaching package: 'dplyr' The following objects are masked from 'package:stats': filter, lag The following objects are masked from 'package:base': intersect, setdiff, setequal, union
The approach uses mrgsolve package as a simulation engine and Heta compiler is a connector to SBML and Heta formats.
Heta compiler can be run from the R environment. Mind the current working directory and the location of the Heta-based platform: ..
system('heta build --dist-dir . ..', intern = TRUE)
After compiling model it can be loaded into mrgsolve.
# This lone set the location of RTools (fir windows).
Sys.setenv(PATH = paste('C:\\Rtools\\mingw_64\\bin', Sys.getenv('PATH'), sep=';'))
m <- mrgsolve::mread(model = 'nameless', file = '../_mrgsolve/nameless.cpp')
# list of observables
observables <- paste(
sep=', '
Building nameless ... done.
To simulate the observables only one line of code is required. Here we are using “chain” with %>% syntax.
m %>% mrgsim(end = 30, outvars = observables) %>% plot
Based on the original publication the insuline resistance (IR) can be set by updating three parameters.
m %>% param(IR_total=55, GLUT4_total=50, diabetes=0.15) %>% mrgsim(end = 30, outvars = observables) %>% plot
Mrgsolve does not operate with "scenario/condition" terms.
This functionality can be reproduced by update
scn_base <- m %>% update(end = 30, outvars = observables)
scn_ir <- m %>% param(IR_total=55, GLUT4_total=50, diabetes=0.15) %>% update(end = 30, outvars = observables)
If you need to reshape and visualize different simulation results the easier way is to convert simulation results into data.frame
The following simulations reproduce the figures from the original paper.
results_df_base <- mrgsim(scn_base) %>%
results_df_ir <- mrgsim(scn_ir) %>%
results_df_base$scenario <- 'base'
results_df_ir$scenario <- 'ir'
results_df <- rbind(results_df_base, results_df_ir)
ID | time | measuredIRp | measuredIRint | measuredIRS1p | measuredIRS1307 | measuredPKB308p | measuredPKB473p | measuredAS160p | measuredmTORC1a | measuredS6Kp | measuredS6p | measuredmTORC2a | glucoseuptake | scenario |
1 | 0.0 | 0.1040440 | 0.1300000 | 0.1236214 | 0.9991251 | 0.6535535 | 0.2407230 | 0.4314513 | 13.49975 | 0.5425862 | 0.8322067 | 0.1521852 | 1312.389 | base |
1 | 0.1 | 0.3656183 | 0.1626192 | 0.2080825 | 1.0133725 | 0.8339305 | 0.2420081 | 0.4663869 | 16.03037 | 0.5426955 | 0.8322151 | 0.1618738 | 1367.925 | base |
1 | 0.2 | 0.7127218 | 0.2371987 | 0.5828224 | 1.0825199 | 1.2826638 | 0.2529724 | 0.6351150 | 29.04322 | 0.5441430 | 0.8335344 | 0.2086452 | 1607.695 | base |
1 | 0.3 | 1.0436642 | 0.3309626 | 1.2393722 | 1.2184954 | 1.7229465 | 0.2827919 | 0.8592656 | 43.57647 | 0.5481316 | 0.8381281 | 0.2990098 | 1865.918 | base |
1 | 0.4 | 1.3179444 | 0.4323480 | 2.0126654 | 1.4037934 | 2.0965966 | 0.3396150 | 1.0798411 | 54.17484 | 0.5542332 | 0.8459596 | 0.4249389 | 2070.311 | base |
1 | 0.5 | 1.5255239 | 0.5353418 | 2.7545811 | 1.6160387 | 2.3786361 | 0.4258523 | 1.2934722 | 62.42421 | 0.5618803 | 0.8561799 | 0.5741381 | 2233.726 | base |
ggplot(results_df, aes(x = time, y = measuredIRp)) +
geom_line(aes(col = scenario)) +
labs(title = "Fig5 1B")
ggplot(results_df, aes(x = time, y = measuredIRint)) +
geom_line(aes(col = scenario)) +
labs(title = "Fig5 1C")
ggplot(results_df, aes(x = time, y = measuredIRS1p)) +
geom_line(aes(col = scenario)) +
labs(title = "Fig5 2B")
ggplot(results_df, aes(x = time, y = measuredIRS1p)) +
geom_line(aes(col = scenario)) +
labs(title = "Fig5 2C")
ggplot(results_df, aes(x = time, y = measuredPKB308p)) +
geom_line(aes(col = scenario)) +
labs(title = "Fig5 3B")
ggplot(results_df, aes(x = time, y = measuredPKB473p)) +
geom_line(aes(col = scenario)) +
labs(title = "Fig5 3C")
The simulations of another type (not time dependence) can be performed and visualized by applying idata
For example in the original article the titration-like experiment is simulated:
intake of insulin and measurements of different observables after 10 minutes.
To reproduce the figures the following idata
table should be created:
titr_scn_df <- data.frame(ID = 1:22, insulin=c(
results_titr_base <- scn_base %>%
idata_set(titr_scn_df) %>%
mrgsim(end = 10) %>%
filter(time == 10)
results_titr_ir <- scn_ir %>%
idata_set(titr_scn_df) %>%
mrgsim(end = 10) %>%
filter(time == 10)
results_titr_base$scenario <- 'base'
results_titr_ir$scenario <- 'ir'
results_titr <- rbind(results_titr_base, results_titr_ir)
results_titr$insulin <- titr_scn_df$insulin[match(results_titr$ID, titr_scn_df$ID)]
ggplot(results_titr, aes(x=insulin, y=measuredmTORC2a)) +
geom_line(aes(col=scenario)) +
scale_x_log10() +
labs(title="Fig5 1A")
can also be used to run Monte-Carlo simulations based on parameter variability.
For the demonstration purposes we will generate a random set of parameters: k1a, k1basal, k1c, k1d.
This simulations mimic the uncertainty in the selected parameters.
mc_scn_df <- data.frame(
ID = 1:100,
k1a = rlnorm(100, mean = 0.6331, sd = 0.5),
k1basal = rlnorm(100, mean = 0.03683, sd = 0.5),
k1c = rlnorm(100, mean = 0.8768, sd = 0.5),
k1d = rlnorm(100, mean = 31.01, sd = 0.5)
results_mc_base <- scn_base %>%
idata_set(mc_scn_df) %>%
mrgsim(outvars = 'measuredIRp, measuredIRint')
results_mc_ir <- scn_ir %>%
idata_set(mc_scn_df) %>%
mrgsim(outvars = 'measuredIRp, measuredIRint')
results_mc_base %>% plot
results_mc_ir %>% plot