Solution interface

PLSolution type is designed to contain the results of a profile likelihood analysis.


Contains the results of a profile likelihood analysis.


  • prob::probType: The profile likelihood problem PLProblem.
  • profiles::P: The computed profiles.
  • elapsedTime::Float64: The time elapsed during the computation.


A number of selectors are available to extract information from the sol::PLSolution object. These can be applied to each computed profile sol[i]:

  • get_endpoints(sol[i]): Returns the confidence interval (CI) endpoints, marking the intersection of the profile with the threshold.
  • get_retcodes(sol[i]): Returns the retcodes of the CI endpoints estimation.
  • get_stats(sol[i]): Returns the statistics of the profile computation.


sol::PLSolution outputs the following retcodes, which are accessible with get_retcodes(sol[i]) function:

  • :Identifiable - the profile has intersection with the predefined threshold.
  • :NonIdentifiable - the profile doesn't intersect the predefined threshold.
  • :MaxIters - maximum number of iterations reached while computing the profile. See maxiters argument to the profile.
  • :Failure - the solver (optimizer or integrator) reported failure status, profiling was interrupted.

Visualization and tabular representation

The recipes are defined to visualize profiles saved in sol::PLSolution with Plots.jl package: plot(sol), plot(sol[i]). The following keyword arguments can be used in plot function:

  • steps::Bool - whether to scatter steps performed by the profiler. Defaults to true.
  • threshold::Bool - whether to plot threshold defined in PLProblem. Defaults to isfinite(threshold)

Also each profile contained in the sol::PLSolution can be represented as a DataFrame with DataFrame(sol[i]).