API references

The package exports the following functions for parameters identifiability analysis, confidence intervals evaluation and results visualization.

profile(plprob::PLProblem, method::AbstractProfilerMethod; 
        idxs::AbstractVector{<:Int} = eachindex(get_optpars(plprob)),
        parallel_type::Symbol=:none, kwargs...)

Profiles the likelihood function for the given problem plprob using the specified profiling method.


  • plprob::PLProblem{ParameterProfile}: The profiling problem instance containing the parameters and likelihood function to be profiled.
  • method::AbstractProfilerMethod: The method to be used for profiling.
  • idxs::AbstractVector{<:Int}: Indices of the parameters to be profiled. Defaults to all parameters.
  • parallel_type::Symbol: Specifies the type of parallelism to be used. Defaults to :none.
  • maxiters::Int: Maximum number of iterations for one branch (left and right) of the profiling process. Defaults to 1e4.
  • verbose::Bool: Indicates whether to display the progress of the profiling process. Defaults to false.


  • Returns the profiling results PLSolution.


plprob = PLProblem(optprob, optpars, [(-10.,10.), (-5.,5.)])
method = OptimizationProfiler(optimizer = Optimization.LBFGS(), stepper = FixedStep())
sol = profile(plprob, method; idxs=[1])

Confidence Intervals by Constrained Optimization (CICO) method to find the intersections of the likelihood function with the threshold. See CICOBase docs for more details. Requires using CICOBase.


  • optimizer::Symbol: The optimizer used for the optimization process. Defaults to NLopt :LN_NELDERMEAD.
  • scan_tol::Float64: The tolerance for the endpoints scan. Defaults to 1e-3.


profiler = CICOProfiler(optimizer = :LN_NELDERMEAD, scan_tol = 1e-3)
IntegrationProfiler{opType, optsType, DEAlg, DEOpts}

A profiler method that uses integration of differential equations system to profile the likelihood function.


  • reoptimize::Bool: Indicates whether to re-optimization after each step of the integrator. Defaults to false.
  • optimizer::opType: The optimizer used for the optimization process. Defaults to nothing.
  • optimizer_opts::optsType: Options for the optimizer. Defaults to NamedTuple().
  • integrator::DEAlg: The differential equation algorithm used for integration.
  • integrator_opts::DEOpts: Options for the differential equation solver. Defaults to NamedTuple().
  • matrix_type::Symbol: The type of matrix to be used for the Hessian approximation. Possible options are: :hessian, :identity. Defaults to :hessian.
  • gamma::Float64: Correction factor used in integration if full hessian is not computed (e.g. matrix_type = :identity). Defaults to 1.0.


using OrdinaryDiffEq
profiler = IntegrationProfiler(integrator = Tsit5(), integrator_opts = (dtmax=0.3,), matrix_type = :hessian)
OptimizationProfiler{S, opType, optsType}

A profiler method that uses stepwise re-optimization to profile the likelihood function.


  • stepper::S: The algorithm used to compute the next profile point.
  • optimizer::opType: The optimizer used for the optimization process.
  • optimizer_opts::optsType: Options for the optimizer. Defaults to NamedTuple().


using Optimization
profiler = OptimizationProfiler(; optimizer = Optimization.LBFGS(), optimizer_opts = (reltol=1e-4,), stepper = FixedStep())

Defines a profile likelihood problem.

Mathematical Specification of a Profile Likelihood Problem:

A profile likelihood problem is defined by

  • an objective function (usually negative log-likelihood function) wrapped within an optprob::OptimizationProblem. Consult Optimization.jl docs for details.
  • a set of optimal values of the parameters optpars that minimize the objective function.


PLProblem(optprob, optpars, profile_range = tuple.(optprob.lb, optprob.ub); 
  conf_level = 0.95, df = 1, threshold = chi2_quantile(conf_level, df))


  • optprob: The OptimizationProblem to be solved.
  • optpars: Initial (optimal) values of the parameters.
  • profile_range: The range over which the profile likelihood is computed. Defaults to tuple.(lb,ub) of the OptimizationProblem.

Keyword arguments

  • conf_level: The confidence level for the profile likelihood. Defaults to 0.95.
  • df: The degrees of freedom for the profile likelihood. Defaults to 1.
  • threshold: The threshold for the profile likelihood. Can be set to Inf if confidence interval endpoint estimation is not required. Defaults to chi2_quantile(conf_level, df).

Contains the results of a profile likelihood analysis.


  • prob::probType: The profile likelihood problem PLProblem.
  • profiles::P: The computed profiles.
  • elapsedTime::Float64: The time elapsed during the computation.


A number of selectors are available to extract information from the sol::PLSolution object. These can be applied to each computed profile sol[i]:

  • get_endpoints(sol[i]): Returns the confidence interval (CI) endpoints, marking the intersection of the profile with the threshold.
  • get_retcodes(sol[i]): Returns the retcodes of the CI endpoints estimation.
  • get_stats(sol[i]): Returns the statistics of the profile computation.